To give an idea of the colour-correction problems that Telford's rink brings, here's a 'before and after' view of one of the shots from the game:

The original shot was taken after selecting the closest white balance setting in the rink, so even that shot doesn't give away how orange the lighting is. It's like shooting a hockey game just after all of the participants have spent two days straight on a sunbed, then taken a bath in a large vat of Tango. God bless Photoshop!
The game did give me a chance to cut my teeth shooting a fight, as Andrew Sharp took on Daniel Croft in what turned into a toe-to-toe slug-out. I'm shooting with a D40 from up in the stands, and when it all kicks off, everyone jumps to their feet. This is one of those times when being six feet five really helps!
(By the way, I'm not boasting about my height, I've always found it odd when people do that. Your height is one of those things that you have absolutely no say in, so when I meet someone taller than me who says something like "Oh I'm six feet seven" I always say "I didn't realise it was a contest". But that's by the by....)
So I'm lucky in that I've been blessed with a few extra inches (of height, get your minds out of the gutter) and also blessed in this case by Andrew Sharp dropping the gloves pretty much in front of our block, so I was able to get some shots like these:

A cracking scrap, more than a little luck helping me out along the way! My Phoenix Photographer 'partner in crime' Lauren Freeman was sitting on the same row as me at the game, but was cursed with having taller people sitting in front of her when the fight broke out. So hopefully Andrew Sharp will do the decent thing and whup someone else this evening in front of Lauren's lens!
Link to the album on Flickr: Telford Tigers v Manchester Phoenix