31 December 2011

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012

(This is an illustrated copy of a Note published to my Facebook page earlier, it's equally applicable to you all, my photography buddies! Happy New Year!)

The end of any year sees a time of reflection and hope, of looking back at the year passing, and looking forward to the year beginning. Some of the memories are happy, some are sad, some are monumental, some are trivial, but they all add up to the experiences of a year.

2011 saw many things happen in my life, and in the lives of those around me. Yolanda and I getting engaged was a pretty big moment, I was so elated that she said yes and also so relieved that she managed to not set the place on fire (the candle lived to see another day, the napkin alas didn't.) We've been together another whole year, through the highs and lows, and she's stayed by my side through it all, for which I will always be more grateful than she knows.

We've seen friends marry, we've seen new arrivals and expanding families. We've shared brief moments with dear friends that we rarely have chance to see, we've shared in their happinesses, and we have been blessed to do so.

I've seen another graduating class go out into the world, my heart bursting with pride for each and every one of them whether they knew it or not. I've welcomed in a new class of freshers who will no doubt burst my heart again in a few years time, and I've seen current students continue to flourish and grow, their talents getting stronger with every shot they take.

I've progressed my photography further, taking a snapper's position at the Phoenix for a second season. This year I've contributed to my first calendar with a 'studio' shoot in the locker room, which went incredibly well thanks to the spirit of the guys that I was shooting. Yol's taken her first steps into documentary photography with some absolutely cracking results, and I'm very happy for her!

I've said goodbye to my time as an ice hockey coach. A wise coach once said to me, "when it's not fun any more, stop doing it." He was right. When a coach doesn't have the belief of his whole team, then something's gotta give. The silver lining is that maybe one day I can return as a player. My skates miss the ice! Time will tell...

I count myself a lucky man, when I look back at everything. Sure, there were times in 2011 when life seemed to take great pleasure in hoofing me in the yambag, but every cloud has a silver lining. "That which doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger" - medically it's not exactly sound, but as a philosophy it's a good one!

So as we say goodbye to 2011 and hello to 2012, I will raise a glass. To my family, to my friends both present and absent, to those we love and to those we have lost along the way, as midnight strikes I will bid you all a Happy New Year.

Here's to 2012, may it bring you all the happiness you can handle, and may your luck-making be fruitful! Cheers!

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